A blog about change, healing, and porch fun.

***Fourth Dimension [also called 3rd Density] – The Old-World

A world of Belief

• The World of FUD [Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt]
• I must figure it all out, I must be right
• The appropriate choices are dis-ease, victim, guilt, lack, resistance, not good enough, I trust that I can’t trust, judgment, blame of self or others, not loving self… as rational mind rules
• If you are not in control, you are being controlled
• You do self-importance or entitlement… or you give up who you are for what others seem to want you to be
• Prove it, Show your work… or it isn’t real
• I can’t go there if I don’t rationally understand it first
• If I can’t see it in the world the way I want to see it, it isn’t real, and so I can’t change, be different, or have anything more, until it/they change outside first [victim consciousness]
• Something outside will fill me and then I will be ok… love, success, money, power… whatever
• Hard bus – drama, trauma, pain, struggle, and suffering take my time and energy
• Sex is ‘peak orgasm’, stimulation and release, clitoral orgasm, the Big ‘O’

***Fifth Dimension [also called 4th Density] – The New-World

A world of Knowing

• With increasingly less FUD, Things are just known
• Consistently choosing love and trust over fear and lack
• With more awareness / consciousness you notice when you are being presented with the bait of the drama scripts you know so well… and choose not to take the bait and get hooked into another loop. If you have gotten into a drama loop, you simply exit when you notice you are in the old story
• Access to 5d: The Void, Nothingness, Spacious Presence – You instantly have any knowing, understanding, healing vibration or frequency, and increasingly any manifestation you want, for self or others
• Life becomes an amazing and rich adventure… work becomes play… the universe gives you more than you can imagine, again and again and again… A.bun.dance
• Prosperity on all levels… loving relationships, health, wealth, and creativity
They each align in their own time as you love more of yourself and deal with your issues
• Reality becomes feedback… a holographic projection from within… for which you take total responsibility… and your life moves from material to magical to miraculous
• Connection, Flow… problems resolve themselves without fixing, without effort,
The life of your dreams becomes your reality. Business management becomes flow
• Without resistance, little pain… drama fades away
• Gratitude rules… you love everything… miracles are normal… fun and adventure roll
• Trust and surrender is the way, everyone has their own truth, no need to be right
• Unconditional love, without attachment to outcome, feels like you don’t care… but you care far more
• You perceive that other levels of your own being are running this show… and you cooperate… “The lifetime in which your higher self becomes real, is the lifetime you go home” -Lazaris
• Sex moves into ‘valley orgasm’ [vaginal and cervical]; usually later, Higher Energies, and states of union, become part of lovemaking

Many experience some areas of their life easily shift into 5d while other areas are very resistant and hang-on to the old-world, often with a temper tantrum about it all.

As you can see, we are all a mix of the above. Note: on the web you can find many different explanations of 3-4-5 dimensional realities… later, dear rational mind.

Sooner or later you will find compassionate loving acceptance and everything will change. Or you will find the core belief systems, and let them go. I did, many have… you will, too. Until then you will notice that as the energies continue up, your magic, gifts and fun get easier and easier to manifest… and your pain-body dramas get bigger, more frequent, and more painful.

Many experience some areas of their life easily shift into 5d while other areas are very resistant and hang-on to the old-world, often with a temper tantrum about it all. So many now have that tantrum in some area of their life… hanging on… blaming others, reality, or themselves… drowning in resistance, hopelessness, or futility about their relationships, health, wealth, or creativity… whatever… with one repeat performance drama after another because a loving universe won’t quit on you. Call it a shamanic initiation if you will… many do. “The difficulties are necessary, until you realize they aren’t.” -Eckhart Tolle. Sooner or later you will find compassionate loving acceptance and everything will change. Or you will find the core belief systems, and let them go. I did, many have… you will, too. Until then you will notice that as the energies continue up, your magic, gifts and fun get easier and easier to manifest… and your pain-body dramas get bigger, more frequent, and more painful.

My teachers told me, “We can’t tell you how you will get there, but we can tell you that you will”. You are in this process now… trust… this journey is going to give you everything you want to know about healing, compassion, trust, surrender, and love… and as you get what you went there for, it will change… and not until then… that is how important you are. Your rational mind will be the last part of you to get it… as it does, you will become a teacher. Welcome to the new-world!

The way is always to spend more of your time in the present [rather than past or future], choosing love and light radiant energies. Go to Glow or any similar state of being.

When you can, hang out in celebration [a mix of love, joy, and gratitude] … for no reason at all. Bless whatever you are excited about… people you love, events, ideas, projects, businesses… with this overflowing effortless radiance of who you really are. What you put out is what you get back – this basic rule of the universe becomes your guide. Return to overflowing often whenever you think of it. This raises your vibration and the changes happen… everything needed is brought to you by Higher Self, and if you accept whatever the universe is already bringing as the gift it truly is, it can do its work… you can take your journey with it… and level up a step… and with that work done, those dramas will quit being served.

If you make anything in your life wrong, inside or out, and say you don’t want it, the part of you that is stronger and does want it will remain hidden by denial and you will have repeat performances of your themes, often with a different cast of characters, playing the other end of your script. Sooner or later you will find self-loving acceptance. And if you are not ready to accept this just-too-simple idea… know you will be. Or… very very popular… if you are still stuck… that is proof that you are not good enough, something is wrong with you, and aren’t able to do it right. Love that proof!

Most folks I see here ‘on the porch’ experience partial access to 5d reality… The Void for Buddhists, No.thing.ness for Hindus, the Spacious Present for many contemporary teachers. Fully living here… the shamans call it ‘clarity’… Zen calls it ‘sitting on top of the hundred-foot pole’ – you see and know everything – ‘conditional enlightenment’… there is still you and the pole so it’s not ‘full enlightenment’. From this vast empty place, you have just the knowing… just the words… just the access to energies and healing vibrations… you need in the moment you need them. I see increasingly more folks that exist here. Trust builds… you trust that if you don’t know something, you don’t need to know it. And your interactions with the world and others become increasingly magical, beautiful, and loving… healing in the true sense. Relax… have fun… play… follow your excitement… all of us are already there… just dropping the pretending we are not.

Healing is access, and not a doing… access to the frequencies, vibrations, and energies that assist folks to change what they are choosing, so their life changes. Doing is the old-world… which is fine, and what many need… but that is what it is.


I see, especially here in San Marcos, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, that it is no longer enough to be a competent well-trained and experienced therapist, whatever your modality. Magical catalytic change energies have to flow or one becomes increasingly less competitive with all the ‘magic’ ones. Healing is access, and not a doing… access to the frequencies, vibrations, and energies that assist folks to change what they are choosing, so their life changes. Doing is the old-world… which is fine, and what many need… but that is what it is.

Here on the porch, we do ‘psychic surgery’ all the time… where ‘pain body’, density, belief systems, and fear… even diseases… are popped out and can be examined in front of you, at a distance, held in your hands, for what they are. Then put it back inside to better know what you are doing with yourself. Even more comes out the next time and there is an opportunity to own the choices you have been making and change them if you want. That’s empowering fun. Welcome to the new world. Psychic Surgery?… we see a few folks that are too resistant, but almost everyone on the porch these days already knows how to do it, and do it well. [We do so much of this we should put up a video… anyone want to make one for us? We have the equipment… you need the fun, computer, and software.]

For over 100 years, nothing has been better statistically and scientifically proven than parapsychology… rigorously and repeatedly super double blind validated beyond any doubt whatsoever… but science doesn’t accept it as real [it is called pseudoscience] and it is almost forgotten. Look it up: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parapsychology]. I am wondering if Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton are trying to reinvent-the-wheel by doing the same thing with an understanding of personal quantum reality change… trying to get science to accept their obvious 5d experience and knowing, in a 3d paradigm.

Trying to prove the intangible with data that makes sense. Trying to convince someone who is anchored in 3d to see the world from a 5d perspective is difficult until that person is aligned energetically to a frequency in which 5d perspectives seem obvious, rather than fantasy. I know people trying to convince themselves of the possibility of quantum change… to find the old-world proof before 3d FUD [Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt] overwhelms them depressively thru the unrelenting hopelessness and futility of being stuck, stuck, stuck. We Love you!… as you insist that past experience and your beliefs determine what is real. Anyway, anyone know if Dispenza and Lipton have looked at the history of Parapsychology and Science over the last century+ and related it to what they are trying to do?

Maybe it will be different this time. After all, a recent Australian academic and experimental peer reviewed Quantum Physics research paper concluded that the particle in the experiment chose its past from its future. No shit, in a physics journal. My guides in the 80’s taught us how to change the past so we had a different present… that is inner-child work. Comments?


News Flash: As of about 3 weeks ago, Google has a new set of algorithms that they are applying to Search and YouTube to take the war against alternative thought to another level. If you post or have a channel having anything to do with alternative economics [Gold, Silver, Peter Schiff, Bitcoin and other cryptos, economic conspiracy, bad language about banks] or categories like the Hillary Clinton machine, pizza gate, pedophilia… you will be categorized as ‘fake news’ by their algorithms. Such alternative sites like these have seen their viewership stats go down about 30%, and all of them in simultaneous synchronized steps… over 2 weeks… as the new algorithms have taken effect… so one way they support their work is reduced by an equivalent percentage.

[We are not talking the Corey Goode and David Icke fear-based stuff that most folks clearly understand as lies. May I offend a few of my readers here?] Would you like a post on the scary things that visit you…? Try this before the Bashar folks take it down:

It will help you with your fears… FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.

Will this Google algorithm stuff extend to alternative spirituality… your interest… in the next years? Here we go. BTW, if you don’t know about Pizza Gate, which is expected by some channels to blow things apart on USA government and corporate levels in the coming year or so, you might check YouTube for an Aussie 60-Minutes 3-part series where they take the lid off the pedophilia ring among Lords and House biggies in England. It is all coming out. Blessings from the Lake

Probabilities, Probabilities [as they are now]… the Euro has reached its peak relative to the US Dollar. The big Euro drop will come in November. The dollar will continue up, way up, well into next year [as world currencies flow into the ‘safety’ of the dollar and US stock market]… until that increase raises interest rates and brings the whole house down. Too early to call the GBP [if they go with NAFTA and dump the EU, it will be better]. Get into Cryptos, but be aware that at a certain point, governments may clamp down.

For those who want more info on the 3-4-5d realities: https://www.secretenergy.com/…/3rd-4th-5th-dimension-reali…/ Below is copied from this page by Nikki Sapp… nice description… and there are many others:

“Third Dimensional Reality – The Physical Realm

“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” ~ Alejandro Jodorowski

In the third dimension you see yourself as a separate entity in comparison to other people and the universe. You are still rooted in the physical world, and feel appropriate to judge people based on the color of their skin, age, gender, financial status etc. I am a person, the thinker of these thoughts, and these thoughts are my thoughts. I seek happiness outside of myself. Things like money, material possessions, relationships, and physical attributes seem to be the key to my fulfillment. I must compete with others in order to ‘make it’ so I can get my share of abundance. Life is characterized by polar opposites. There are good decisions and bad decisions, good thoughts and bad thoughts, good people and bad people, for example. The labels I have for myself define who I am as a person. Words like parent, wife, son, my job title, home-owner, etc. are how I identify myself in comparison to others.

Fourth Dimensional Reality – The Hallway into the Fifth Dimension, Consciousness begins to Awaken

“A shift in perspective makes the particles in your universe dance to new possibilities.” ~ Annie Kagan

As the light of consciousness begins to awaken within, your belief system of third dimensional reality seems absurd. You may even become angry or resentful of the society that implanted these belief systems. In fourth dimension, comparison and judgment still exist however with more ‘spiritual’ themes. For example, you may describe yourself as “awake” while judging those you feel are “asleep.” The attention has shifted from pursuits in the material world to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. I am *#&#* angry because I have been lied to. I must warn and tell others about the Illuminati, government, reptilians, chemtrails, etc… Since on some level I believe that I am my mind, I am weary of things like mind control or subliminal messages. I may take on a spiritually themed ego structure. In this case, I may judge those who still eat meat, watch the news, drive a car, etc.. More knowledge and better understandings seem to be the key to my fulfillment. Ego is my ultimate enemy and therefore my ‘goal’ is to get rid of it.

Fifth Dimensional Reality – Unity Consciousness

The All is the One, and the One is the All as consciousness begins to awaken even further, the ego drops and judgments begin to fade away. You realize that the darkness of the world is a direct reflection of the shadow that still exists inside of you. You no longer try to change the world, but rather begin to heal yourself.

The love that grows within begins to translate into compassion and understanding for the external world. Love is the only weapon that truly holds power. I am no longer attached to my labels, but see myself as an ever-changing field of consciousness. I ultimately hold all the power to ‘create’ my perception of reality, nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Nothing has power over me or my reality unless I have on some level agreed to it. Judgment now has become discretion. Although I no longer judge people from a moral standpoint, I use discretion in what I spend my time and energy on. I am beginning to see that “god”, “the universe,” or “source” lies within. As the master inside of me begins to awaken I realize I have held the power all along. The fear of mind control and manipulation drops away.” -By Nikki Sapp

We have a new meditation up on Sound Cloud… another talk, phone recorded at a ceremony… on manifestation. And I sure do recommend the one called Empath Training if you are a sensitive sponge for the density of others, groups, or the world. https://soundcloud.com/user13991090 Mp3 Trainings and meditations

We are working on our new cacao website and shipping… soon… definitely going to have a brown Xmas.

My sweetheart sez… you know you are free when you can freely fart in the middle of a big cacao ceremony.

Blessings on your fine dream… keith and barbara

Empath experience

«The friends at work called me SPONGE»

I received this email after an Empath training I did in London in 2008.  Empaths are known for being ‘sensitive’, and there are many who can relate to this experience.  Many Empath’s are not this extreme… and some are more so!  English is not her first language.

«Dear Keith. My name is Mxxxxxx. We met on King X, last thursday, in the back of the organic shop… I hope you remember me, because i would like to thank you, so much, from my all heart… I did not realy expect nothing to happen that day. I tought, we will just… talk. But the experience I had, during your meditation, was the strongest, and most important to me, i had in all my life.  I know i can share with you everything, because you will understand me. First i felt, like my eyes where in the stomach… I felt there a horrible, old pain.. I think my mum was there, and some others pains of peoples. That was making me cry

«But i… «felt» Cxxx, when he was next to me. I mean, i felt what has to «go» from him, but i didnt want through me. I think, he doesn’t wanted this to go. He wanted to stick with his past, and his questions, instead to let it go.. However, in next few days, i coudnt stop thinking about him.. Non stop he was in my mind, all the time, also at the dreams..  Then on wednesday, when i wake up at 6 in the morning, i felt big pain inside me.. He still on my mind, and the tears started to release. I coudnt stop it. On the train, i cry like water from the sink (all the ppl looked me..) also at work (so i had to hide myself on the shops corners, for customers, not to see me..) One hour break, i spended crying on him.. And i know, it was his. Next day everything stopped, and C L xxx was gone from my mind.«

«I never had a clue, that there is something like EMPATH. i always tought, that i’m super sensitive. And also this is what i was told by my parents, and teachers. When i was small, by all my life i suffer, crying on everything… I always been told, that i shoudn’t be like this, and i have to be strong..  With the time i stop to cry so often< but instead everything, seats on my stomach. Ppl could «give» me any kind of bad energy, sometimes even no talking to me..  and i was eating their rubbish. I felt i had no choise.. They so easy can «put» any bad energy into me..  They just toxic me for years..  In everyday life, and also relation[ship]s. The friends at work called me SPONGE. and is no good to be like that. Is HORRIBLLE. this demage my life… But i dont know how to deal with othere peoples in the life..»

«It didnt happend yet since our… ceremony (even there were some situations it normaly should toxic me). I know you know.  I gonna be finishing now. Im so aprisade of everything what was happend. It meant everything to me.»

Empath Angels

Highly sensitive people who take into themselves the negative emotional energies others do not want to deal with, or take in negative energies from the environment.

I do a lot of work with Empaths, taking them through an empowerment process to do something besides eat or identify with the energies.  I am posting the information here as I work with it… basics without the details at this point.  This work helps many totally re-understand their lives.  Comments and suggestions invited.

The first website talking about a certain kind of people and their problems, and calling them Empaths, appeared about 12 years ago.  By 2008 there were 6 or 7 such sites in a Google search.  Soon after that there were Empath sites with message boards and communities of people.  Today it’s a bit harder to find such sites because the results in an ‘empath’ search are swamped with everything out there on a new topic of ‘empathy and sympathy’, a different subject.  To look at much of what’s on the web, I suggest this as a Google search string, exactly as is:  «empath» –sympathy

In general Empaths are highly sensitive people who take into themselves the negative emotional energies others do not want to deal with, or take in negative energies from the environment.  Others would say it is a process of identifying with the energies more than actually taking them in… either way, the effect is the same and can be worked with however it is for you.  As you might expect it causes a lot of problems.  Most websites for Empaths are to help with those problems, fix the Empaths, or teach them how to protect themselves from such energies.

I’ve been conducting trainings for Empaths for about 8 years, and in the last several years have often worked with groups of young spiritual types where more than half the participants raised their hands when asked who tended to regularly take the emotional density of others into themselves. Every week I am told that what I share made sense of someone’s entire life for the first time.

As a therapist I had such people as clients, identified them as a group and as one myself, and began working with them in a way that seemed to help. Over the years I gained a lot of insight and when I learned they were called Empaths and checked out the web, what I found seemed simplistic and missing the point.  I’ve been conducting trainings for Empaths for about 8 years, and in the last several years have often worked with groups of young spiritual types where more than half the participants raised their hands when asked who tended to regularly take the emotional density of others into themselves.  Every week I am told that what I share made sense of someone’s entire life for the first time.  There were three of them yesterday.

I believe the story of these people needs to be told.  But not in the protection oriented way common on the web.  There are millions of them.  A full understanding is not out there anywhere, so far as I know.  It’s big.  It’s got emotional appeal.  It’s out-of-the-box of the consensus reality… but not as far out as it used to be…


A little background:  Many branches of psychology accept that, for instance, adolescents tend to take on the emotional densities of their parents, act them out, and then get punished by those adults for the energies that the adults won’t own as belonging to them.  This is considered to be a fact.  What if those emotional energies actually left the adults, were taken in by the adolescents, and the buckets of tears or acting out was the way they cleared the internalized energies out of their system?  Many Empaths who have become aware of what they are doing… understand that this is exactly how it is.

My work with empaths is to demonstrate to them that they are highly trained energy workers who got that training through eating the negativity of others (or the natural world) since they were children.

And a note:  Protection from the negative energies of others does not work.  This use of ones energy is a prayer that tells the universe this is the kind of fun you want to have, so reality throws more at you.  «Defense is a prayer for attack.» -A Course in Miracles.  Mother Theresa is widely quoted that she would never attend an anti-war rally… but if you had one for peace, she’d be there.  She understood that to be anti-war is to suggest to existence that you want more war on the planet as your joy is in fighting against it.  «The best way to have more drugs [or terror] in a society, is to have a ‘War On Drugs«. -don’t remember the channeled source.

My work with empaths is to demonstrate to them that they are highly trained energy workers who got that training through eating the negativity of others (or the natural world) since they were children.  In a society without the shamans, nuns, monks, or witches to tell their parents that their children are going to have specialized training in the human and planetary pain body, and where the adults around them do not accept that such energy transference from one person to another is even possible, where is that training going to come from?  Someone who reads Eckhart Tolle understands that if the contents of the pain body are not released… “For those who hold on to the old patterns, there will be increasing pain, violence, confusion, and madness.»  …Eckhart Tolle on relationships.  In a society where you are taught to deal with your pain body through having dramas… those pain body experts are going to be needed, as their training began as children.

In this context, Empaths serve as an emotional release pathway for society.  An individual is relieved of their emotional charge, or a group or office is relieved of similar negativity (where those doing so are called ‘grounds’, because like a lightening rod, they conduct away the dense often emotional energies).  As you can imagine, most of those who do this work, generally unconsciously, have problems from it.  Of course, we are a bit ‘out-of-the-box’ here in terms of what is reasonable in the consensus reality, but there are many for whom these ideas resonate and are quite acceptable.

If we focus on the absorbers of those densities, we might call it service, or dysfunction.  If we would focus on those who were relieved of the emotional burden, even if they later regenerated that burden… we would call it healing, or at least temporary symptomatic relief.  If an Empath is simply feeling, empathetically, the emotions of another… maybe it hurts… but this is nothing special.  If the emotions themselves are being energetically transferred, and the Empath has tears, depression, or acts-out because it hurts and because that behavior moves the energies out of them… that is advanced healing work, however unpleasant.  An Empath I know blogs:

«I used to listen for hours [to a friend] while she… unloaded her angry emotions onto me. When the conversation was over, she was all happy and bubbly, and it would take me days to recover – to let go of the emotions she dumped on me.«

If this Empath was only feeling the emotions, her friend would not have ended up so happy and bubbly, and it would not have taken days to recover.

Imagine this: a therapist is sitting with a client… the client is experiencing the release of negative emotions and related belief systems from within, so that they move toward the end of repeatedly living out those scenarios in their life.  The therapist is an Empath who no longer internalizes such energies, but knows exactly what to do with them.  Making the same connection through which they may have received a parent’s pain when they were 4 years old, density just as effortlessly flows from the client and is directed to transmutation at the levels of reality that the therapist is in partnership with.  As the client feels lighter, the flow reverses and the client fills the now empty spaces with something far more suitable, and also brings in the new belief systems, etc., through the same channel used to release the density.  All the while, the client is learning to do this for themselves.


The Empaths developed both this channel and their inner understanding of human emotional density, beginning in infancy or childhood, through receiving negativity from others or from their environment.  As an Empath myself, I have been assisting other Empaths to finish eating the densities of others and to use their talents in the way just described… and more… and have fun doing it.

We have skills that will be welcomed by increasing numbers of people who find themselves in a process and an imperative to release what Eckhard Tolle calls the ‘pain body’… people who do not know how to get that density out of them.

Eating all that emotional and energetic garbage has prepared us to understand and work with negative energy release, at a time on the planet when that knowledge will be profoundly needed.  We have skills that will be welcomed by increasing numbers of people who find themselves in a process and an imperative to release what Eckhard Tolle calls the ‘pain body’… people who do not know how to get that density out of them.  We are trained in that how… we are some of the most highly skilled healers on the planet!  It’s ok if these ideas are a little new… give yourself the time.

Of course, you’re not going to be much help if you continue eating it in the same way you studied it… so this is about making that change.  About doing what you already do naturally… but in a way that is fun, powerful, fulfilling, effortless, and a huge blessing to others.  That blessing to others is the ‘angels’ part… Empath Angels.  Having experienced the pain of the human condition in this way, we have the inner authority to work with it.  We earned that authority!  We have no outer license from society… in fact they have made us wrong.  Our inner license will do just fine.

Most of us gave up a lot of our childhood, our adolescence, and our love life… to get that training.  It hurt.  We got no understanding or validation from anyone – especially from those, like parents, who didn’t want to know their energies were causing us problems.  We chose this, millions of us, before we were born, knowing what would happen.  That’s right, you cooperatively arranged the people who would train you with their negative energy, before you were born.  You are not a victim and there is nothing wrong with you!  Perhaps you have assumed that something this big in your life is outside of your Divine Plan?

Whatever part of the negativity on this planet you specialize in… Empaths, you’ve eaten it all.  You might suck it in from individuals, groups, public places, a disaster on television, or the environment… but suck it in you do, and trained you are… in the only way that training was available.  If the teachers had come (if there even were teachers when you were three-and-a-half or four years old) and told your parents that you were different and belonged with them for training, likely your parents would’ve called the police.  Empaths, you got your training in moving negative energies by eating them, and then by finding a way – often not pleasant – to get that density out of you so you had room to eat more.

Thank you.  That part of your training didn’t come easy, but I know many Empaths who are glad they did it… and they know they will be deeply needed.

As an Empath, I am here to share what I have learned through years of assisting hundreds of Empaths with this transformation. To no longer do something with outside energies that makes your heart shut down and want to run away.

This is to get you ready.  You have nothing more to learn by continuing to eat the emotional densities of others or those of the environment, whatever your specialty.  There are other ways to play with these energies – but without taking them inside.  Learning not to eat them will be a process.  It’s time.

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As an Empath, I am here to share what I have learned through years of assisting hundreds of Empaths with this transformation.  To no longer do something with outside energies that makes your heart shut down and want to run away.  After all, we didn’t go through all that pain and confusion for nothing.  After all, the time is coming when you have scheduled yourself to be sitting with someone who is ready to let go of some painful inner density, but who is too terrified to understand how… and you can know: «Ha… I ate worse than that when I was eight».  That is being in your power without fear, and assisting with the often-emotional energies that most people would rather die than look at.  Important life-saving job… fit for an ‘Angel’, yes?  Here we will help you to understand all about that job… it is uniquely different for each of us.

That part of your training is over… a new part begins.  You can learn to stop putting all that stuff inside, or stop protecting yourself from it.  Many Empaths make the shift from problem to power and are playing with their abilities in an hour or so.  Others find that the fear of being competent or different, the loss of the payoff from their disability, or having to give up the old habits… is a bit more than they are ready for… just now.  We will cover all this here.

You have a PhD in every inner thing our culture teaches us to push down and deny.  A PhD in everything that, as the next years unfold, a planet full of people are going to be releasing as a part of the ‘shift’ we are all going through.  Doctors and psychologists only know to drug you if you have ‘stuff coming up’.  We, millions of us, are almost the only ones who will know how to help.  That’s why you began training as an infant or child.  You will be needed.  You are ready for the fun part.  Further consumption of – or protection from – negative energies will not be required.  Doctors will be sending people to us.

Forgive me if I sound a bit New Agey… but we are all headed to a place where it will be easier to manifest what we want.  If we take our inner baggage there… it will also manifest easily, like it or not.  So those inner issues have to go.  And that will happen in a culture that teaches everyone to push inner negative stuff back down, where it then manifests outside in the world and is experienced as trauma, drama, pain, struggle, and suffering… so a planet full of such releasing, with so many in blame and projection about it, would not be a fun place to be!  There is another way to get that stuff out of people.  Empaths have been experiencing that way, beginning quite young and usually unconsciously, in order to one day help and show others that way.  Time for an adventure!  “Engage!”

For decades we have been working at levels of healing far beyond what the culture even considers possible, so the only way that could happen, without blowing your cover, was if it was called dysfunction and you had little understanding or validation for what was really happening.

Other than a few shamans and energy healers (certainly not the regular folks acceptable to other regular folks as helpers), we are among the few who know how to assist others to release these energies.  And you have been doing it for decades… that’s a lot of training and experience!  Very professional of you!  That’s why I said doctors will be sending people – not only the doctors are well-trained!  For decades we have been working at levels of healing far beyond what the culture even considers possible, so the only way that could happen, without blowing your cover, was if it was called dysfunction and you had little understanding or validation for what was really happening.

That cover is blown!  It’s time.  Time to let go of the belief that there is something wrong with you.  Congratulations… one part of your training is over.  Empath Angels I’m talking to you.  It’s time for more… time to learn who you are, time to be that you in the world.  It’s time to finish eating and deal with being powerful.  There will be enough time for everything.  At your own pace.  Go ahead; it’s ok to hide from it all for a few years… it will be right there, ready when you are.

A note to the different ones…

Those who, as they planned, didn’t fully cave-in to the consensus reality conditioning, remain as a threatening reminder to those who did. It isn’t you, it is what you represent.

There are very large numbers of people, especially the young, who are, in effect, a different species. That’s right, some channeled beings do say “different species”… the inner difference is that great. The young ones, and more, are not buying the lie. The split leads some to satanic sites, some to cutting, some to drugs – to deal with it all. You are going to have Lots of company! Somebody had to break trail. Those of us who made the maps in the 1980’s and 1990’s… we thank you. My friend Angela Economakis and her Luminary Academy are on the leading edge of working with the 18 yr old and younger wizards-to-be.

My teachers told us this story. An analogy that compares the process we are now in to the exploration of the western United States by the European settlers. First, there were the explorers that walked and went on horseback into the Rocky Mountains… they found the passes and met the natives. As first were Tibetans, Mayans, shamans… ancient cultures all over the world. The 1st wave of settlers went in covered wooden wagons drawn by oxen over road-less landscapes. This was my group, in the ‘80’s and 90’s. It was a long hard journey and it hurt to watch a lot of us not make it. Our job was to build railroads for the 2nd wave, who would have steam locomotives… enjoy your trains and hotels! Those of you in the 2nd wave are building the airports, because the 3rd wave will have jumbo jets. Early airports are being completed, and 3rd wavers are realizing that they already know how to fly.

If the developing wizard identifies with the rejection and judgment… and takes it personally… as about them rather than about the one fearfully judging… there will be pain. Do know that the pain is a message intended to lead you to find the beliefs that are out of alignment with who you really are.

Those who, as they planned, didn’t fully cave-in to the consensus reality conditioning, remain as a threatening reminder to those who did. It isn’t you, it is what you represent. As a forerunner [some choose to go first]… as you recognize that in some way you didn’t buy all the collective insanity… and won’t… you can expect those who did to consider you insane – a threat – as their own insanity will be projected onto any who don’t go along with it… what else can they do to protect themselves?

It isn’t you, it is what you represent.

If the developing wizard identifies with the rejection and judgment… and takes it personally… as about them rather than about the one fearfully judging… there will be pain. Do know that the pain is a message intended to lead you to find the beliefs that are out of alignment with who you really are.

…And that’s the problem, as the voice of fear will tell you that if you step even further away from the consensus insanity by cleaning up your inner reality to make room for your magic, then, guaranteed, all you will have is more pain, more abandonment, fewer friends. If you take it personally, you will have that pain. If instead you let them go, knowing it is not about you, it is not their time, and they have the right to their own truth and timing… you will make room for others who see you for who you are.

You will lose friends. Love yourself and allow that.

I understand that we are going there anyway… as that is the choice we all made before birth… and it is our choice now to cooperate with ourselves and have an adventure, or fight it and have an increasing nightmare… as the magic we came here to be, pushes harder from within.

As the energies continue up, month by month for years more, everything within will expand. Your creativity, gifts, and magic will get easier and easier to manifest… and your dramas will get bigger, more frequent, and more painful. The good gets gooder and the bad gets badder. Everything is polarizing. The sooner you deal with your stuff, the sooner you will be in a place to help others as the planetary emotional detox accelerates.

Those who resist the release of the old will have increasing pain, chaos, violence, and insanity.” -Eckhart Tolle

Imagine what is coming… I know folks who have had debilitating physical pain where the scanners and doctors can find absolutely nothing wrong. Maybe the fear of opening your healing magic will keep you only peeking out of the consensus box until people you love are in such nightmares.

In the future, the doctors will be sending people to you.” -so say numerous enlightened beings.

Relax, have fun, learn that you can use what you don’t like as a gift to take you deeper. It takes time, effort, and patience to love those parts of you, inside and out, that you were taught to judge and reject. I know many who have already done enough inner clean-up to be in an absurdly magical reality where the universe just can’t stop bringing things and events better than what could be imagined… again and again and again. If that fun is not your reality, know that you are close, and your shit is working overtime to get you there.

«Most people do not see their beliefs, Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see. This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion.» Matt Kahn

Reality is feedback.” -so many

Reality conforms to your description of it.” -Carlos Castaneda quoting Don Juan

Most people do not see their beliefs, Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see. This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion.” -Matt Kahn

You don’t get what you want, you get what you are… you get what you are a vibrational match for.” -Wayne Dyer + Abraham-Hicks

«Your circumstances are only a reflection of the energies that you are projecting onto the others. When you shift your energies, the circumstances shift accordingly. It cannot be otherwise.» -A Journey to Oneness through Rasha

You can’t change what you see until you learn from what you see.” -Bentinho Massaro

I tell a story where I bury a treasure somewhere in town… and hand you a shovel. You might walk around for a while looking for a fresh pile of dirt, but basically it would be rather hopeless. But if I put a tall pole right there with a big flag and flashing lights and loud horns… it would be lots easier to find that treasure. In the vast landscape of your consciousness, your symptoms… what you have been taught is wrong and are trying to fix in you or with your reality… are the flags telling you right where to dig for the healing treasure. They are the gifts you gave yourself to make things easier. Use them, because if you don’t, those other dimensions of you that love you so much will help your unopened gifts get louder.

Sooner or later the fear of what happens if you don’t unwrap your gifts gets bigger than the fear of unwrapping them… and you will… many will. So compassionately allow everyone to have their choice of ugly dramas as a planet full of people goes through this.

«You have volunteered to experience the full gamut of possibility in one physical lifetime, so that you might cull the experience of sacred knowingness from the complexity of the dramas of physical incarnation.» -Oneness through Rasha

If you like how you feel, continue… if you don’t, take a nap.” –Abraham-Hicks

Blessings from Keith and Barbara, and the Lake.

A lil update…

Consider cooperating with your process… or judge it and have a resistance festival on the hard bus.

As some look at it, we are in the 3rd of 4 tsunamis of light to wash over this reality this year. This month of July, the ocean is going out… exposing all sorts of deeper fears and issues. Through August, the wave of light will be coming in… ride it or believe you will drown, whatever, it will be just fine. What is happening this month is to prepare room inside to fill with more love, opening, and shifting as the wave arrives. Those who cooperate will find themselves released from some old patterns and with new abilities opened into September. Just in time to have the center that allows others to have their chosen dramas, without you taking it personally or going into fear because of it… as we have increasing chaos in the world these next months [although I feel most of the economic crazy will be next year]. Consider cooperating with your process… or judge it and have a resistance festival on the hard bus.

One of the Tribe sent this, and I thought I would quote it and share…

They wrote: “A funny thing happened, I started having the same reaction to cacao that I’ve had for years to sugar, namely, weakness, tiredness, poor concentration, crankiness, so I stopped drinking it. Does it have natural sugar in it?”

Our reply: Nope, that’s not the problem. As is explained in depth on our website, what you need to ‘come up’ from your inner reality is being facilitated by the cacao… it gets judged cause you don’t like it, don’t want it, and have not yet learned to trust and follow the messages from Higher Self called symptoms… the symptoms you listed above are metaphors designed to lead you deeper. No problem, it will get louder and then either you will blame something else… suppress it in some other way… or go deeper. Have fun. This will also help: Ascension Symptons.

The cranky is the key, and the tired is the way you stay safe from going deeper into what it is really about… or is the way you slow yourself down so you are more likely to go within… and into what you must be ready for, or it wouldn’t be here… as it all is being organized by other levels of your own being. blessings

About the USA election

In the 70’s, I taught detox through fasting, diet, and herbal helpers. Sometimes folks would go through rather astonishing skin eruptions, even abscesses… it could be painful and quite messy, as in lots of pus and blood. Most folks needed a lot of reassurance that the process was actually positive, especially with the input of so many of their friends that the detox process was obviously very bad for them.

You and I need to change… as that is all there is to change.

I see that there are many out there that need assistance with understanding the symptoms of the global detox we are all in… to make room for who we really are. We do want to change a few things, and this election makes it really clear what needs to be changed. You and I need to change… as that is all there is to change.

Here are some suggestions for seeing yourself and what is ready to change within you:

An intro from Deepak Chopra: After Trump, what will it take to heal?

Much more deeply into it from Abraham Hicks:

You might also know that one of today’s most important spiritual teachers, Bentinho Massaro (who just made his entire past material available for free download) suggested that everyone vote for Donald Trump. If that makes no sense to you, may it become clearer in your future.

And this from Matt Kahn: Calling all Earth Angels and Lightworkers

blessings to you all. keith

Ascension Symptoms

As we rewrite the programming, density leaves our form in sometimes unpleasant and explosive ways.

Ascension Symptoms – there is lots out there right now about ascension symptoms… the most common term for how folks are handling the shift process. Much of it is channeled. Even for folks who are quite familiar with inner processing or embracing their journey, it can be overwhelming. For those who choose the hard bus [trauma, drama, pain, struggle, and suffering] because they are resisting the process and hanging on to what they know, it is increasingly tending to the nightmare that Eckhard Tolle repeatedly discusses of pain, chaos, violence, and insanity. You will see lots more of this in the next years, even with ones you love, and you are being asked, by you, to move your shit now, so you know how to help them.

Physically these waves of light can really take a toll. As we rewrite the programming, density leaves our form in sometimes unpleasant and explosive ways. Many are experiencing colds, flu like symptoms and intense body aches. Others experience extreme exhaustion, joint pain, back pain, headaches, earaches with lots of ringing in ears, skin eruptions, or gastric upset, with bloating common. Feeling dizzy, nauseous and ungrounded is common, some have a flare up of chronic conditions. Lack of sleep and waking in the middle of the night, or needing to sleep much more than usual. Exhaustion, anxiety and depression, bad dreams are often frequent for many during this clearing.

As a society, we have been conditioned to give our power away to outside authority. Listening to your inner guidance is essential in taking back your power.

There are moments when the body stops digesting and what once satisfied it no longer does. The desire to change one’s diet, or do various fasting protocols will be normal for many. There can also be bizarre food cravings, or binging on anything, even sugar, addictive substances or alcohol, as these energies clear from the system. Some may find themselves “forgetting” to take their usual supplements. This is common during massive upgrades and clearing deep programming. Return to the supplements when you feel guided to. Above all listen to your body and what it needs. Walking this path means that you listen to you and your guidance above all. As a society, we have been conditioned to give our power away to outside authority. Listening to your inner guidance is essential in taking back your power. The best thing you can do is be in allowance of it all with as much grace and gratitude as possible.

Naturally, there will be lots of opportunity to let go of judgment… either of the situation or of yourself for having it…

Trust the process… you are being guided by other levels of your own being. Don’t attach to whatever is coming up as an indication of who you are (most of us do this), simply watch it arise, feel it to the bottom, and then let it go. When we identify with it as who we are, we don’t allow it to leave… and we then manifest a repeat performance to give us another opportunity to receive the gift we manifested to take us to the next level.

Naturally, there will be lots of opportunity to let go of judgment… either of the situation or of yourself for having it… along the way. Please understand that you are, through this process, being led from within to a place where you don’t need reality to change outside first, to believe in your process. You will be able to hold a high vibration… without giving your power away by allowing external circumstances to determine who you are or how you feel. This will happen. Allow it. Welcome home.

Diet change: First, the folks I see being guided into diet change should check out ‘intermittent fasting’ on the net. Basically, carbohydrate metabolism continues for 12 hours after a meal… and then shifts to ketone metabolism that burns fat and puts one into a detox state, especially for waste stored in the fat. So, by skipping either breakfast or dinner, and going for 16-18 hours without eating, one accelerates the clearing. It works. This will likely put you in touch with the emotional reasons you eat… drink some water / herbal tea (without added calories) instead, and go through it.

Second, eat less. I remember an old saying that ¼ of what you eat is for you and the other ¾ is for the doctors. This is really true. About 20 months ago, Barbara and I began radically changing our clean veggie diet to something far different. We now often eat a single main fruit meal, with some superfood powders, a day… plus a cup of cacao, sure. Along the way we went through massive energy drops and much more. It wasn’t easy. Having cleared out much of our food beliefs [your beliefs about a food have far more effect on your body than the food itself], we can now go out for dinner and share a pizza, love it, and have no negative effects whatsoever. Yummy! Our bodies love it all. Note: others will be guided to green leafy organics instead of the fruit. Remember not to neglect fats / oils and minerals (perhaps seaweed but not Pacific Ocean). It is mango season here in Guatemala, we are in heaven… apples are next.

Third, check out the detox protocol that Bashar recommends, where you take 3 grams of Vitamin C and 3 grams of MSM 3 times a day. If you continue to over-eat a toxic diet during this, the clearing will go to your eating and not to what is stored in your body… says Bashar (everyone’s favorite channeled ET).

If you attempt dietetic change because you should… you will likely fail. Let it happen in its own natural way, whenever it does. Eat less if you want to accelerate your issues coming up.

I know an international traveler on a primo vegan diet. But she eats so much for emotional reasons that she stinks from a toxic digestion… enough so that her partner is turned off. She is listening to her theories about eating… and not her body.

As best you can, allow whatever chaos flows through you… it isn’t really yours anyway…

As best you can, allow whatever chaos flows through you… it isn’t really yours anyway… you put it inside so you wouldn’t be able to forget what you came here to transmute for the planet. Have fun. Blessings from keith and barbara… and the Lake!